
Intel And Egypt’s Cyber Peace Initative
Published Nov 16, 2009
As part of Intel's continued efforts and commitment to education advancement and inspiring the next generation of innovators, Intel partnered with Egypt’s Cyber Peace Initiative-part of The Suzanne Mubarak Women’s International Peace Movement-to hold a Youth Camp bearing the theme "Forming Young Digital Citizens" in Sharm El Sheikh November 13-16; to run on the sidelines of the proceedings of the Internet Governance Forum 2009.
The Youth Camp to be attended by 25 students, ages between 12 and16 from Egypt, the Arab world and Europe, is as a capacity-building effort set to assist in developing future -savvy youth, as well as providing the participants the chance to engage in panel discussions during the IGF 2009.
“Intel believes that young people are the key to solving global challenges. That is why we get directly involved in education programs, advocacy, and technology access to enable tomorrow’s innovators,” said Taha Khalifa, Intel Country Manager Egypt.
As part of the Cyber Peace Initiative activities, Intel also reinforced its commitment to education in Egypt by announcing the provision of Intel® Learn training to over 20000 students in CPI, thus helping the students develop 21st learning skills and understand their responsibility in cyber space.
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