
Raqmiyat Takes Strides In Talent Development Amidst Economic Downturn
Published Dec 5, 2009
Raqmiyat, a leading UAE-based systems integrator, is taking significant strides in strengthening its talent development initiatives amidst the current economic downturn. In line with this, the company recently conducted an extensive training program that focussed on skills advancement and employee retention, with leading motivational speaker Minocher Patel tapped to address the company’s workforce.
In addition to its major efforts to develop its current talent pool, the company is investing heavily into recruitment and training of competent personnel and offering job opportunities to talented students from UAE-based IT universities. Raqmiyat’s appreciation of its people and its belief that its human resources are its’ most valuable asset is continuously sustaining the company’s market leadership.
“As an organisation, we strongly believe in the goldmine of talent available in the region, which at present is not being maximised to its full potential, especially in the IT front,” said Mabel Kuri, Manager - Human Resources, Raqmiyat. “Through our talent development initiatives, we are seeking to train our people to the highest standards, which will positively impact our overall efficiency and costs as part of our strategic approach to meeting our group’s future management needs. This, we believe can be achieved through a series of training activities and educational programs, and we are proud to have teamed up with Minocher Patel to meet this objective.”
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CommuniGate Middle East
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Email: info@communigateme.com
Website: www.communigateme.com
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VMD - [Virtual Marketing Department]