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Microsoft Gulf Discusses Major Piracy Issues Before Customs Authorities, The National Media Council & The Ministry Of Economy

Published Dec 15, 2009

Microsoft Gulf discussed key software piracy issues and conducted an anti-piracy seminar during the recently-held 2nd Dubai Customs Intellectual Property (IP) Week. Microsoft Gulf has been advocating greater vigilance against pirated programs, noting that the Gulf loses over AED2 billion annually to software piracy, and that the global figure has already surpassed the AED180 billion mark.

The event was attended by more than 40 representatives from Dubai Customs and various Customs Authorities, the National Media Council and the UAE Ministry of Economy. Microsoft Gulf discussed the nature of piracy, the problems faced by the international software industry in this regard, and Microsoft’s own piracy challenges. During Microsoft Gulf’s presentation, examples were given on how to recognize a genuine product through the Certificate of Authenticity, origin data, and other indicators. Copies of the presentation and a special anti-piracy “Cheat Sheet” were given to the attendees.

“Counterfeit programs comprise more than 40 per cent of all software sales, which is an alarming figure. We are currently focusing on more proactive approaches to combating this threat, including training key agencies such as Dubai Customs on how to spot, report and handle pirated products. The warm response to our presentation has motivated us to further pursue these kinds of initiatives,” said Jawad Al Redha, IPR Manager, Microsoft Gulf.

Mr. Yousef Ozair Mubarak, Senior Manager of IPR Department at Dubai Customs, said, “The rapid growth of the UAE’s software sector is making it more susceptible to counterfeiting. Microsoft Gulf’s presentation will go a long way in helping us improve our own anti-piracy measures and retain the UAE’s status as a holder of one of the Gulf’s lowest software piracy rates. We recognize the importance of preventing piracy in order to uphold Dubai’s status as a safe and fair business hub.”

For further information, please contact:

Orient Planet PR & Marketing Communication
PO Box 23345, Dubai, UAE
Tel: +971 4 3988901
Fax: +971 4 3988941
Email: media@orientplanet.com
Website: www.orientplanet.com

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