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Software AG Optimize For Infrastructure: Mainframe Edition

Published Dec 20, 2009

Software AG, a global leader in business infrastructure software, has recently announced the availability of its Optimize for Infrastructure: Mainframe Edition, a new tool that enables Software AG customers to monitor the performance of multiple products – including Adabas, Natural, EntireX and ApplinX – from a single graphical viewpoint. In addition, Optimize analyses historical performance data to help customers predict future problems as well as more efficiently fine-tune current system performance.

“Today’s IT managers cannot wait for business impact to occur before addressing system issues – they must be pre-emptive and proactive,” said Dr. Peter Kuerpick, Chief Product Officer and Member of the Executive Board, Software AG. “Optimize for Infrastructure: Mainframe Edition enables IT managers to identify system-wide problems in the early stages and take action before the business is impacted or System Level Agreements are put in jeopardy.”

Marco Gerazounis, Senior Vice President, Software AG, Middle East, added, “Optimize for Infrastructure: Mainframe Edition assists an organisation to move from reactive to proactive infrastructure management. For instance, you can know if your systems are meeting the needs of the business based on predefined key performance indicators for each of the monitored Software AG products.

This tool will add immense value to Middle Eastern organisations looking for a long term solution to reducing costs while improving services to the businesses and end users.”

Optimize for Infrastructure: Mainframe Edition enables customers to more effectively monitor and manage the behaviour of multiple Software AG products by consolidating input from numerous monitoring products into a web-based tool. Not only does Optimize consolidate “green screen” information using colour-coded graphs, it also incorporates “learning” capabilities that analyze past behaviour and allow IT managers to take - action on out-of-range conditions before the business is impacted.

In addition, Optimize enables the IT manager to create rules to manage alerts and escalations in a way that matches his/her personal work style and the unique IT environment being monitored.

Rules-Based Alerts.

Optimize allows customers to choose from a long list of pre-set monitor points or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for each of the monitored Software AG products they own. Once KPI’s are selected, the customer can easily create rules about when and how to be alerted when a particular parameter goes out of range.

Predictive Monitoring.

One of the most unique features of Optimize is its support of predictive analysis. Once Optimize tracks a particular KPI for a period of time, it “learns” normal system behaviour. This learning capability enables an IT manager to receive an alert not only when a fixed measure-point is detected, but when a measurement deviates from normal. Using early-alerts, Optimize can thereby predict and warn of a potentially serious system problem before it happens.

Escalation Management.

The ability to set rules within Optimize is particularly powerful for alert and escalation management. Not all rule violations across KPI’s (or within a single KPI) are of the same importance. Therefore, rules can be set within Optimize, such as, “Send an alert to my email after the second violation,” or “Send an alert to my pager after the third violation.” Optimize can also send an alert, for example, when a particular KPI returns to the normal range.

Optimize is able to receive input from numerous monitoring tools for Software AG products, including tools that monitor Adabas, Event Replicator, Natural, Entire System Server, EntireX and ApplinX. Optimize can also work with third-party tools based on Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). In addition to mainframe-based products, Optimize also supports Software AG products that run on Open System platforms (UNIX, Linux and Windows).

For further information, please contact:

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Email: media@orientplanet.com
Website: www.orientplanet.com

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Posted by VMD - [Virtual Marketing Department]

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