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du Creates Awareness Of Data Security Threats On The Occasion Of Data Privacy Day

Published Jan 27, 2010

Paving the way for continued efforts in ensuring customer data privacy and protection and to coincide with Data Privacy Day on 28 January, du raised awareness of its efforts to promote understanding of best practices and customer rights in data privacy.

“As an innovative telecom services provider, we offer access to powerful technologies to improve customers’ quality of life, at the same time we realise the opportunities and advantages that so much connectivity brings, but similarly recognise that this goes hand-in-hand with data security threats and other challenges,” explained Walid Kamal, Vice President - Technology Security and Risk Management, du.

“Mobile internet, social media, online networking comprise of some of the most popular technologies and activities of today’s generation, especially the younger generation.

This Data Privacy Day, we are engaging in dialogue with customers to give them the information and knowledge they need to enjoy full participation in the communication ecosystem, while educating users –– as to how they can protect their data privacy and enhance their digital security.”

Walid Kamal went on to give an example of how easy it is for data privacy to be breached: Downloading non-standard applications onto a mobile handset or laptop can bring with it the potential threat of malicious software (malware), which can easily compromise a device’s safety and be used to steal personal data.

“One easy step that we advise users to take is to ensure that the software or application that they want to download comes from a reliable source. This goes to the root of the problem, and ensures that du users get the most out of their devices, without the hassle, related expenses or problems that can come with annoying data security breaches, or other malfunctions.

A little attention goes a long way in ensuring safety and privacy,” he added.

For further information, please contact:

Saugat Chatterjee
Public Relations Manager, Channels Communications
Brand & Communications
Mobile: +971 55 9367045

Mayssam Hamadeh
Manning, Selvage & Lee
Tel: +971 4 3676 324
Mobile: +971 55 495 6484
Fax: +971 4 367 2615

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Posted by VMD - [Virtual Marketing Department]

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