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Dar Jana To Simplify School Scheduling With Skoolee Tools

Published Feb 18, 2010

Dar Jana International School (DJIS) of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia has chosen Skoolee Tools student information system (SIS) to effectively manage its scheduling requirements. The CITA-accredited school educates over 2500 students in two divisions at pre-school, lower, middle, and upper school levels.

Fahim Ataya, Principal of Dar Jana Boys Division, explains: "In general, generating school timetables and schedules has been problematic for us. Accordingly, we looked for a suitable scheduling software and decided to implement Skoolee Scheduler."

School administrators and staff use Skoolee Tools to schedule courses and classrooms, and to manage all school activities, such as registration, student and staff performance. The software also facilitates interaction with all stakeholders, from administrators, principals, and teachers within the school to students and their parents.

Developed by White Mountain Technologies, Skoolee Tools can be used by schools with national diploma programs, American High School Diploma and other international programs.

“Dar Jana wanted to implement one module at a time, starting with their greatest pain point: changing teachers after schedules have been completed,” describes Michael Zakharia, Director of Production at White Mountain Technologies. “With Skoolee Tools, replacing one teacher with another in a schedule is seamlessly simple; the system handles the ripple effect throughout.”

Once the Scheduler Module is successfully implemented, Dar Jana International School and White Mountain Technologies will work together to prioritize and deploy the remaining Skoolee Tools modules.

For a 15-minute presentation about Skoolee Tools software, contact Nicholas Matta at White Mountain Technologies or submit the online request form at

For more information:


White Mountain Technologies
Hotel Dieu Street, Al-Mathaf Center, 2nd Floor
Achrafieh, Beirut, Lebanon
Tel: +961-1-422 765
Fax: +961-1-422 765

PO Box 33263
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tel: + 971-50-302-9336

Tel: +974-601-9097

Saudi Arabia
Tel: +966-56-927-9306

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