TBS Enterprise Mobility Sets Abu Dhabi Date For Second Mobile Computing Briefing
Published Nov 14, 2010
Mobile computing software specialist TBS Enterprise Mobility (TBS), is to introduce its TaskMaster mobile workforce management platform to local Abu Dhabi businesses at the British Embassy on 6th December.
The seminar will focus on real examples of effective mobile computing solutions provided to companies across sectors including Facilities Management, Construction, Security, Automotive, Plant Hire and Oil & Gas.
Following the success of TaskMaster’s UAE launch and inaugural briefing at the British Embassy in Dubai, TBS will provide a unique opportunity for Abu Dhabi-based businesses to understand the benefits of a fully mobilised workforce.
In partnership with software giants IBM and Microsoft, and local IT provider UnlimITed, TBS Co-Founder and Commercial Director Jon Poynton will deliver a range of insights about effective deployment of new mobile computing technology for a number of sectors.
“We’ve helped customers such as G4S (Group4 Securicor), VINCI Facilities, Morgan Sindall and BCA (British Car Auctions), to achieve new levels of customer service which were not possible using manual, paper-based processes,” said Poynton.
“The briefing will simply explain the mobile computing solutions available, using case studies to illustrate how businesses have reduced costs and gained significant benefits using TaskMaster,” he added.
Mark Hawkins
44 (0) 7949023795
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