KULACOM Jordan Completes High Capacity Network Upgrade
Published Dec 5, 2010
KULACOM Jordan, a leading competitive integrated communications carrier, has announced the successful completion of a major network upgrade, significantly increasing the performance and quality of the network infrastructure for private and corporate users in Jordan.
The high capacity network upgrade is an important part of KULACOM’s plans to build a country-wide, state of the art telecommunications network, and will considerably enhance the overall performance of KULACOM’s WiMAX, Leased Line and Datacenter services, providing the end user with increased bandwidth and faster download speeds.
Mr. Hazim Alaeddin, KULACOM Jordan’s CEO, stated, “We are in the process of optimizing many aspects of our network, which include an end-to-end network upgrade. The changes will include improvements to the signal quality for WiMAX users ensuring a smoother connection. This process will continue until the end of December 2010, however, each step we take will result in a more satisfying Internet experience for all our clients.”
KULACOM Jordan is the only wholly locally owned wireless broadband internet provider in the Kingdom, established with the objective of providing private and corporate users in Jordan with the latest next generation networking technologies to deliver better, faster and more reliable telecommunications solutions.
Kulacom Jordan
KULACOM Jordan, registered under the name MetroBeam Wireless Telecommunications Co LLC, was launched in 2006 by Jordanian investors with regional and international experience in the telecommunications sector. KULACOM, an integrated communications operator, offers the latest next generation networking technologies to private and corporate users in Jordan, including WiMAX, ADSL, Leased Lines, pre-paid Voice, Data Storage and Data Management services. Kulacom is the newest Fixed Broadband Wireless Access (FBWA) licensee in Jordan that is leading the transformation into a new era of communication. Recognized as the next generation network wireless broadband service, Kulacom will be the first in the region to offer true real time synchronized and seamless communications capabilities.
Saidah Aboudi
Marketing Manager
Kulacom Jordan
Tel: +962 6 250 0000
Fax: +962 6 250 1111
Yasmin Sati
Account Manager
Tel: +962 6 4611014 ext. 113
Fax: +962 6 4611018
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