KULACOM Jordan Improves Datacenter Storage Efficiency, Infrastructure Use And Recovery Times
Published Feb 13, 2011
KULACOM Jordan, a leading competitive integrated communications carrier deployed the Symantec NetBackup Platform in conjunction with MABCO, a Symantec Gold Partner in Jordan, to deliver next generation data protection that aims to improve storage efficiency, infrastructure use and recovery times.
Mr. Hazim Alaeddin, KULACOM Jordan’s CEO, stated, “The Symantec NetBackup platform that we deployed from MABCO was not only easy to install, but it is also very simple to operate, flexible, efficient and reliable, which allows us to solve real world problems by eliminating redundant data to improve storage utilization, providing market leading virtual machine protection, as well as simplified and centralized management and reporting.
Alaeddin went on to say, “Our 300sqm state of the art Datacenter is the most advanced in Jordan and one of the largest in the region. We can host thousands of customer solutions per square meter, which is 15 times more customers than would be possible with physical servers alone. Therefore, the NetBackup platform will allow us to maintain our high standard and guarantee the protection of our customers’ information.
According to statistics gathered from various resources, 6 percent of all PCs will suffer an episode of data loss in any given year, 31% of PC users have lost files due to events beyond their control, 34% of companies fail to test their tape backups and 60% of companies that lose their data will shut down within 6 months of the disaster.
However, with the single, unified platform of Symantec NetBackup customers will experience reliable and robust features that include more backup storage with deduplication, simplifying backup operations, eliminating the pain of virtual server backup and recovery, providing more advanced Microsoft application support and recovery, recovering more reliably from disaster with integrated backup replication, receiving better recovery for business critical applications, and upgrading easily and efficiently.
About Kulacom Jordan:
KULACOM Jordan, registered under the name MetroBeam Wireless Telecommunications Co LLC, was launched in 2006 by Jordanian investors with regional and international experience in the telecommunications sector.
KULACOM, an integrated communications operator, offers the latest next generation networking technologies to private and corporate users in Jordan, including WiMAX, ADSL, Leased Lines, pre paid Voice, Data Storage and Data Management services. Kulacom is the newest Fixed Broadband Wireless Access (FBWA) licensee in Jordan that is leading the transformation into a new era of communication.
Recognized as the next generation network wireless broadband service, Kulacom will be the first in the region to offer true real time synchronized and seamless communications capabilities.
For more informtion:
Saidah Aboudi
Marketing Manager
Kulacom Jordan
T: +962 6 250 0000
F: +962 6 250 1111
E: saidah.aboudi@kulacom.jo
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