Etisalat Group CTO Outlines Importance Of Network Sharing For Sustainable Growth
Published Feb 23, 2011
Cooperation and partnerships in sharing infrastructure are strategic imperatives for operators aiming to derive value from emerging markets in Africa and Asia. This was the key message laid down by Amaru Chavez, Group Chief Technology Officer at an Ericsson sponsored meet of senior telecoms executives at this year’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.
Amaru Chavez explained that high risk and capital intensive deployments in these markets are no-longer desirable as fierce competition places increasing pressures on profit margins. He also outlined the strategic importance of outsourcing in terms of infrastructure deployment and maintenance to enable faster roll-out and more efficient network management.
“In many emerging markets there are millions of potential customers who are yet to own a mobile phone. These people are generally amongst the poorest members of society and in order to offer a viable service to this important community, all operators need to keep a very close control over costs. Sharing infrastructure and outsourcing network management to contractors enables our Group to deploy rapidly into new areas and also, ensures that our investments generate an appropriate return for our stakeholders,” Amaru Chavez explained.
The Etisalat Group is one of the largest telecoms groups in the world, with operations in 18 countries across Asia, the Middle East and Africa. It has an aggregated customer base of 135 million in a region that is populated by 2.3 billion people. It has recently announced that revenues from its international operations have increased 46% in 2010, as a result of a variety of commercial and operational strategies including outsourcing.
About Etisalat:
An uncompromising commitment to excellence and innovation has seen Etisalat become one of the world’s fastest-growing telecom groups, rapidly expanding across Asia and Africa.
Its UAE operations, strategically located at the crossroads of East and West enables Etisalat to be the major hub in the Middle East for Internet, voice, broadcast, roaming and corporate data services. Its stellar performance has won Etisalat recognition as ‘Best Operator’ ten times since 2006 and ‘Best Wholesale Provider’ four times in the last three years. Servicing over 110 million customers in 18 countries Etisalat continues to reach out to new customers and markets.
For more informartion:
Ms. Nahid Mudathir Hassan
Group Senior Manager Media Relations
E: nahelsayed@etisalat.ae
T: +971)050 - 6006556
W: www.etisalat.ae
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