Etisalat Decides Not To Submit A Bid For Syrian Mobile License
Published Mar 31, 2011
Etisalat has decided not to proceed and compete in the Syrian mobile bid despite having earlier qualified to participate in the process.
Etisalat has conducted an extensive and careful study alongside financial advisors, legal experts and technicians, and has determined that the terms and conditions of the bid would not enable Etisalat to achieve its objectives regarding the technology and value it wishes to bring to the market nor for its investors and shareholders.
Ahmed bin Ali, the official spokesperson of Etisalat said: “We worked hard on this opportunity especially due to the close relations with our sister country Syria, but we hoped that the terms and conditions for the license would have been more attractive.”
Etisalat is renowned for its international investment strategy, which is based on selecting the right opportunity based on in depth study and analysis. It has over 30 years’ experience in providing various telecommunications services and this has led to the company establishing itself as a leader in its field.
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