
TRA Hosts GCC Technical Committee
Published Apr 13, 2011
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), represented by Spectrum Management and International Affairs, hosted the GCC Technical Committee Meeting that was held on April 11-13, 2011 at the Intercontinental Hotel, Abu Dhabi. The Technical Committee is considered one of the most important bodies of the Technical Bureau of the GCC Secretary General.
The meeting discussed issues such as holding coordination meetings between the member states to discuss cell phone network interference, and studied the outcomes reached by the group in charge of discussing the switch over from analog to a digital system.
“The UAE chaired the last GCC summit which was held in December 2010 in Abu Dhabi, and will chair and host a number of meetings following that are related to telecommunications.” said Mohamed Nasser Al Ghanim, TRA Director General.
“The Meeting discussed several issues related to regional cooperation between the GCC countries.” Al Ghanim added.
The Technical Committee meeting also reviewed the results of the last plenipotentiary conference in Mexico, as well as results of the last World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-10) which was held in India. A paper prepared by Sultanate of Oman on planning the frequency number 900 for 3G communications was presented. Additionally, the results of the coordination meeting to operate TETRA networks in the border areas between the member states were also discussed. The participants discussed the possibility of creating a new mechanism that facilitates the movement of licensed radio amateurs across the GCC countries.
The meeting was chaired by Engineer Tariq Al Awadhi, Executive Director of the Spectrum Management and International Affairs in (TRA), with all communications related departments participating in the three-day event along with to Engineer Mahmoud Mubarak Sayyar, Director General of the Telecommunications Bureau of the GCC Secretariat General and Engineer Majid Al Sharhan, Director of the Telecommunications department of the GCC Secretariat General.
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