
Yahoo! Has Your Invitation To The Royal Wedding
Published Apr 27, 2011
With the wedding of Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton just days away, interest in the big event is growing exponentially searches worldwide on Yahoo! for the royal wedding have increased 8 million percent since the announcement of the royal engagement and 1,523 percent in the last month alone. To satisfy the millions of Web users all over the world who are hungry for royal wedding details, Yahoo! has launched its royal wedding website, http://royalwedding.yahoo.com
As the premier digital media company, Yahoo! brings together the best of the Web to celebrate the royal couple. The site features articles, photo galleries, videos, and more. A digital guestbook has been created in Prince William and Kate’s honor so well-wishers worldwide can offer their advice to the couple. Several celebrities have already added their advice and wishes to the Royal Wedding Yahoo! Guestbook, and more will contribute in the future.
Yahoo!’s royal wedding website will be an extension of Shine From Yahoo! (http://shine.yahoo.com), and demonstrates Yahoo!’s position as the premier Web destination for landmark global events. Features of the Yahoo! Royal Wedding website include:
- Guestbook: The Royal Wedding Yahoo! Guestbook gives people a place to offer their marital advice and best wishes to Prince William and Kate Middleton, then share those wishes with users’ social networks. See the celebrities who have left messages for the couple: http://royalguestbook.yahoo.com/videos
- Photo galleries: View photos of the couple’s courtship, Kate Middleton as a child, and much more.
- Articles and blogs: The latest news on the royal wedding, plus articles on the wedding trends, fashion, the royal wedding's participants and guests, and more.
- Wedding live stream: Watch the royal wedding live by visiting http://royalwedding.yahoo.com on April 29.
- Video: Yahoo! will feature video from Associated Press, Reuters, and ABC News, along with original video content including a joint ABC News/Yahoo! News Web show called “Wedding Royale.” ABC News will also provide weekly flashback videos of the royal family. During the week of the wedding, Yahoo! will have a crew on the ground in London producing stories on topics people are most interested in.
- Mobile site: Yahoo! allows you to get your royal wedding fix anytime, anywhere, by visiting http://m.royalwedding.yahoo.com from your mobile phone.
Additionally, Flickr by Yahoo!, one of the world’s best places to post and share photos, features The Official British Monarchy Flickr stream: http://www.flickr.com/photos/britishmonarchy/tags/rw2011/
Visit Yahoo!’s Royal Wedding website: http://royalwedding.yahoo.com
Follow Yahoo!’s royal wedding coverage on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yahooshine
Follow Yahoo!’s royal wedding coverage on Twitter: http://twitter.com/yahooshine
About Yahoo!
Yahoo! is the premier digital media company, creating deeply personal digital experiences that keep more than half a billion people connected to what matters most to them, across devices and around the globe. That’s how we deliver your world, your way. And Yahoo!’s unique combination of Science + Art + Scale connects advertisers to the consumers who build their businesses. Visit the pressroom (pressroom.yahoo.com) or the company’s blog, Yodel Anecdotal (http://ycorpblog.com/).
Asmaa Haggag
Hill and Knowlton
E: asmaa.haggag@hillandknowlton.com
T: 014 444 2069
Tala Toukan
Yahoo! Maktoob
E: ttoukan@yahoo-inc.com
T: +971 4 4456283
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