
Unistal Is Planning To Tap Data Recovery Market Of Africa
Published May 12, 2011
Unistal Systems, leading providers of automated data recovery software has launched new range of Quick Recovery products for African Market. The company has appointed Hallmark of Nigeria, Multisystems of Kenya and Simbec of Botswana as their distribution partners for the respective regions.
Unistal has indigenously designed and developed this Quick Recovery range of data recovery software’s, which comprises of more than 30 variant products well suited for different needs. Quick Recovery has world’s largest Range of products which includes data recovery products for desktops, Servers including Raid servers, products for file Repairing, email repairing/ recovery, email conversion/ migration and media like CDs, Data Card etc. Quick Recovery products also cover operating systems like Windows, Linux, Novell, UNIX and Macintosh with email recovery/repairing solutions for MS Outlook, MS exchange, Lotus Dominos, Outlook Express etc.
Unistal will offer its complete range of Quick Recovery products for African market and would initially focus on developing the distribution network of the subcontinent.
According to Mr. Alok Gupta, MD of Unistal, “This software is automated and does not require any technical expertise, making it easier to recover/repair the files. The software comprises of 30 products which caters to different requirements of the user.”
For more details please contact: isales@unistal.com
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