
The World of Cabling now as an E-Magazine by Swiss R&M
Published Jun 3, 2011
How can you extend fiber optic networks into each home? What does the next broadband generation mean for structured cabling? How can data centers save on infrastructure? Which type of office, IT and building cabling do renowned companies and forward-looking investors rely on the world over? Swiss cabling specialist R&M now also answers questions like these in the online e-version of its customer magazine CONNECTIONS. Along with the 40th printed issue scheduled to be sent out any day now, R&M will be releasing CONNECTIONS in a new Internet format. The electronic version of the magazine presents compact information, back-ground material, trends and case studies from the world of cabling and links them to exciting galleries, select videos or detailed tips. The online version of R&M CONNECTIONS for the industry experts. Users can also share interesting content via their own Twitter or Facebook profile and subscribe as an RSS Feed.
"We want to help people benefit more from our customer magazine," editor-and-chief René Eichenberger explains. Customers, partners, planners and pros from the cabling world can now go online and read instructive articles of lasting interest from the magazine at any time. And with just a few clicks of their mouse, they can obtain additional material such as links or PDF files applicable to their own work. The e-version of CONNECTIONS will also be updated constantly whereas the printed version will continue to appear twice a year. CONNECTIONS has appeared since 1991 and is a well-respected customer magazine in the cabling industry with high information standards. It is a mainstay of corporate communication at R&M. The magazine appears in three languages and is distributed in about 40 countries worldwide. Reader surveys have shown that installers, planners and customers all want an electronic version, too. "We have complied with their wish," Eichenberger says.
"The virtual version of CONNECTIONS is set up as what is called a micro-site. That means it exists independently alongside our website and has a specially developed screen design," Steve Coucheman, Head of Electronic Media at R&M, explains. With its small number of large, straightforward navigation elements and bold titles, it guides visitors quickly to the compact text pages and through the galleries. The design is optimized for use on modern smartphones and tablet PCs.
The content is structured similarly to a printed magazine. The main story covers a current special topic. Extending fiber optic networks into homes is that special topic now. It is also known as Fiber To The Home, or FTTH. The e-magazine has the following priority sections: Trends (background material, technical advances, technical knowledge), Success (case studies, user reports) and Product and Corporate News (information from within the company). Readers can look forward to a surprise or two reading the CEO’s Corner. This is a column where R&M CEO Martin Reichle shares his own personal ideas and secrets to success with readers.
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