
Interactive Intelligence To Host “Social Media And The Multichannel Contact Center” Industry Web Event
Published Jul 21, 2011
Interactive Intelligence Group Inc., a global provider of unified IP business communications solutions, is hosting a free Web event titled, “Social Media: The Impact on the Multichannel Contact Center and Your Customers.”
This 75-minute webcast will be held Thursday, July 28 at 7:30 p.m. Gulf Standard time (GST).
The webcast, already attracting more than 900 pre-registrants, will feature Forrester senior analyst, Kate Leggett, Ovum senior analyst, Ian Jacobs, and Interactive Intelligence chief marketing officer, Joe Staples. Combined, the trio brings a broad base of experience helping contact centers develop successful customer service strategies.
These industry experts will address the following questions relative to the contact center:
• What foundation is required before adding social media as a communications channel?
• Which social media metrics matter most?
• How can customer service be enhanced using social communities?
• Who should own social media?
• Why is simply monitoring social media mentions insufficient?
• What technology should be considered to ensure a successful social media deployment?
The webcast will conclude with an extensive Q&A session enabling attendees to submit questions to presenters.
“As a provider of multichannel contact center solutions for more than a decade, we constantly get asked for advice about adopting social media,” Mr. Shaheen Haque, territory manager, Middle East and Turkey at Interactive Intelligence said. “The consistent thread in our recommendations to customers is to first have an objectives-based strategy that considers processes, people, and technologies. This webcast brings together some of the best-known experts in the industry to give contact centers just such guidance so they can create for themselves the most effective multichannel strategy based on their unique business requirements.”
Register for this webcast now and those who attend will receive a free white paper titled, “The Social Alphabet: What You Need to Know about Social Media as the Ultimate Communications Channel.”
For more information:
Shaheen Haque
Territory Manager, Turkey and Middle East
Interactive Intelligence
Tel: +971 (4) 4347217
Mob: +971 (50) 4573186
Email: shaheen.haque@inin.com
Colin Saldanha
Tel: +97150 6400762
Email: colin@procre8.biz
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