
Meet NAO The Humanoid Robot At GITEX Shopper With Intel
Published Oct 9, 2011
Ever watched Star Wars and wondered if R2 D2 and C3-PO could be a reality? Real 21st century humanoid robots are headed to GITEX Shopper, powered by Intel and Aldebaran Robotics. Intel is calling on all tech enthusiasts, students, children and adults alike to join them at the show and see the future of technology in action by meeting NAO, a 58cm tall humanoid robot powered by Intel Atom technology, along with four of his robot friends.
NAO and company will be performing a specially choreographed dance routine to both Arabic and Hindi pop music daily from 11am to 11pm. If your dance moves are looking a little out dated, NAO might have some new ones for you!
Commenting on the futuristic display, Nass Nauthoa, General Manager, GCC, Intel Corporation, “NAO has special characteristics of fluid movements, the ability to sense and avoid obstacles and the capability to be fully programmed to act out difference scenarios. NAO is a stunning display of the power of technology and is a unique combination of hardware and software design. NAO and friends are a sight not to be missed – we look forward to seeing you at the show.”
Check out NAO’s dance moves @ CeBit 2011:
NAO will be located at the Intel Stand, GITEX Shopper CR 6&8.
For more information:
Nawras Sawsou
Intel Corporation
Tel: +971 (4) 440 4300
Email: nawras.sawsou@intel.com
Hala Saqqa
Hill and Knowlton
Tel: +971(4)3344930
Email: Hala.Saqqa@hillandknowlton.com
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