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Intel Wraps-up 2011 with Belief in the Power of Technology

Published Dec 21, 2011

Wrapping-up the year, Intel Egypt discussed today at a roundtable its vision for 2012, taking a look into their high-tech crystal balls to make predictions about what technological trends will likely stand out next year and shed light on findings collected from its campaign “Egypt Tomorrow: IT vision for a brighter future”.

Egypt Tomorrow - IT vision for a brighter future”, which has been running for over 10 months now, is an initiative aimed at tackling how ICT can help in the development of a country in the different sectors of education, innovation and entrepreneurship, healthcare and infrastructure as well as how IT will play a central and defining role in Egypt’s economic and political future. The results from numerous polls posted on the Intel Egypt Facebook fanpage helped Intel gain insight into consumers’ views of how technology can empower Egypt’s tomorrow, as well as showcase that Intel’s strategy in the Egyptian market is in agreement to the respondents [1] beliefs.

“One of the interesting findings we received through our polls was that 89% believe that technology is a necessity to achieve democracy in Egypt: this showcases Egyptians faith in technology. ICT is the engine to both economic and social development, not only will it add to Egypt’s social welfare through generating employment and revenue; it serves as a tool to improve the efficiency and productivity of other sectors of the economy through lowering the cost and time of any transaction and therefore enhance the overall competitiveness of the country. At Intel we believe that a country that goes through massive changes; its market that grows out of it will be stronger and Intel needs to ensure to be ready to grow with that Market.” said Intel Egypt Country Manager Eng. Karim El Fateh.

As 2011 draws to a close, Intel Corporation leaders and tech industry futurists worldwide are making predictions about what technological trends will likely stand out next year and believe that 2012 will see continued ‘screenification’ of computational power worldwide. Computers are beginning to anticipate our wishes and requirements through a learning process and by observing and recording our personal patterns. Siri*, the speech-recognition ‘personal assistant’ software that's built into the latest Apple* iPhone* is a case in point. It’s responsive to our needs and is starting to be predictive. The instant-on and power-management features in Ultrabook™ devices are further examples too. Ad-hoc wireless switching is another example. A device knows its user is making a call on Skype*, so it automatically switches to the best Internet connection in order to provide the best possible experience. It doesn’t need to ask the user what connection mode he wants to opt for, it just chooses the most appropriate option for the intended usage.

Intel revealed that they are working with Google to enable and optimize future releases of the Android platform for Intel’s family. The joint effort is designed to speed time to market efficiency of Intel technology based smartphones running the Android platform. First designs are scheduled to appear in the first half of 2012, worldwide. Intel also revealed that Ultrabooks are the new future prospect for mobile computing. They are available at a variety of price points many under $1,000 by Acer Group, Asustek, Lenovo Group and Toshiba Corp.

Intel predicts that in 2012 computing isn’t just going to be for computers anymore — it’s going to be all about screens. Consumers are going to have even more form factors and choices of screens that they are able to pick how they want their computers to fit into their lives – not the other way around. Consumers will no longer look at their smartphones, tablets, and Ultrabook™ systems as specific devices but as screens that can elegantly fit into their lives

“It is very interesting to see that 71% of respondents also believe that smart phones and tablets will be the technology that most likely will affect them in the coming year”, commented Eng. El Fateh.
Finally, Intel revealed that 2012 will see a bigger focus on entrepreneurship and innovation in Egypt. Commenting on this, Eng. El Fateh said “Intel’s goal is to provide opportunities for people in Egypt to participate in today’s global economy through information and communications technologies. Innovation is fundamental to economic growth. 75.5% believe that technology is necessary to revive education in Egypt; at Intel we believe that we need to encourage innovation and prepare today’s students to become tomorrow’s entrepreneurs”

Intel’s strategy of showing thought and technology leadership, and staying relevant to the national ‘movement’ towards a better Egypt will be even more effective in 2012. Harnessing the power of technology can propel the nation forward.

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Posted by VMD - [Virtual Marketing Department]

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