
Avast! Anti-virus Available for Android Smartphones
Published Jan 16, 2012
Avast! Anti-virus, with over 165 million users worldwide, announced that their hugely-popular anti-virus and anti-malware programs are now available to users of Android smartphones.
“You asked for it and here it is … avast! Free Mobile Security, the new app for your Android phone. Before we launched avast! Free Mobile Security, a poll of avast! users showed that 19% had Android phones. Of these, 56% said they would be interested in a free avast! security app for their phone,” the company said on their South African website.
Avast also stated that their new app has been downloaded by many users. “In just a few days after its placement in the Android Market, our app has been downloaded by well over 100,000 users.”
In December 2010, Avast! Free Antivirus was awarded the VB100 award, conducted by Virus Bulletin, and also made the top 10 most-downloaded list on CNET Downloads.
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VMD - [Virtual Marketing Department]