
Dubai eGovernment Signs Agreement With Emirates Identity Authority To Link EIDA To All Dubai Government Entities
Published Jan 31, 2012
Dubai eGovernment has recently signed an MoU with the Emirates Identity Authority (EIDA) to support government integration and digital transformation through electronic linkages in pursuit of its digital transformation towards an integrated knowledge-based society.
The agreement was signed by H.E. Ahmed Bin Humaidan, Director General of Dubai eGovernment, and H.E. Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, Emirates ID Director General, at the Dubai eGovernment headquarters at HH Dubai Ruler’s Court. Under the terms of the agreement, Dubai eGovernment commits itself to introducing the required central applications for integrating with the infrastructure of the digital identity applications so as to optimize usage of the Population Register and complete the electronic linkage between EIDA and all Dubai government entities.
For its part, EIDA will provide the necessary technological applications to read the data stored in the ID card together with the infrastructure for the digital identity applications and unified identity management in order to verify the identity of clients. EIDA also plans to partner with Dubai eGovernment in developing the concept and general framework for the digital ID project at the Dubai Government level.
The two parties have agreed to employ all available resources to achieve the common strategic goals, particularly the improvement of operational performance, simplification of government procedures, development of services provided to customers, and the creation of effective communication channels to support government integration.
Ahmed Bin Humaidan was positive about the agreement signed with EIDA, and said: “The signing of this agreement is in line with our commitment to actively contribute to the objectives of government integration and the electronic transformation of government systems across Dubai. These aim to realize the vision and directives of H.H.
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. We support the digital identity project in view of its positive impact on Dubai’s electronic transformation. We are committed, in the framework of our partnership with EIDA, to implement a series of relevant initiatives and joint ventures, including integrating infrastructure for the verification of the identity card and handling this system.”
Meanwhile, Al Khouri affirmed that signing this agreement coincides with the gradual conversion towards making the ID card a key identification instrument for transactions and services provided by the government and private sector organizations. “This strategic partnership reflects our belief in the use of advanced technologies in improving government performance, considering that the population register and ID card project is part of the UAE’s strategy to become one of the five best governments in the world.”
Commending Dubai eGovernment’s role in easing government transactions and leading the eGovernance process in Dubai, Al Khouri said that the agreement would be beneficial in implementing the strategic objectives of government entities and unifying their efforts at upgrading customer service.
The two parties affirmed their full commitment to pursuing joint ventures and research, including an assessment of the optimum use of the identity system, its data potential for use by Dubai government services and its application for integration with government eServices in Dubai.
About Dubai eGovernment:
Dubai eGovernment is a pioneering initiative in the region to provide government online services across the spectrum of corporate and community life in the emirate. Dubai eGovernment officially directs and supervises the implementation of the process of eTransformation in over 30 government entities and is one of the world’s only governments to have established an official eGovernment branch in the capacity of an independent department.
Dubai eGovernment utilizes multiple innovative electronic channels to facilitate interaction and transaction with government services for citizens, residents, visitors and businesses with the goal of making the life of people much easier in their dealings with the government. The official Dubai Government public portal (www.dubai.ae) highlights government initiatives and facilitates the customers’ access to more than 2000 service from the services of several government departments, while the official corporate portal of Dubai eGovernment (www.deg.gov.ae) provides information on the strategy, goals and achievements of the department.
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