
Anti-Piracy Training For Abu Dhabi Customs Administration
Published Feb 1, 2012
Microsoft Gulf conducted in cooperation with the Institute of Training and Judicial studies, The Regional Office for Capacity Building, and IPR and convention Department in Abu Dhabi Customs office, a training session on software piracy and intellectual property rights protection for Customs Inspection Personnel under the custody of Abu Dhabi Customs Administration (ADCA) on January 25, 2012 at Radisson Blu – Yas Island – Abu Dhabi.
The training forms part of ongoing efforts by Microsoft Gulf in partnership with major governmental institutions such as Dubai Customs, and the Institute of Training and Judicial Studies to generate greater awareness on the social and economic harm done by software piracy and counterfeiting in general. It will bolster ADCA’s ability to protect Abu Dhabi’s trade and business competitiveness and the interests of its citizens and residents. ADCA was one of the first governmental departments established in Abu Dhabi and upholds a vision of a safe country and a prosperous economy.
“We always emphasize the importance of government support in ensuring effective and widespread anti-piracy measures. We appreciate ADCA’s enthusiasm in allowing us to impart our experiences and know-how to its key personnel. We would also like to thank the Institute of Training and Judicial Studies for discussing the legal aspects of piracy and for sharing our vision of a piracy-free world,” added Jawad Al Redha, Head of Government Interface for Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Small and Mid Market Solutions and Partners (SMS&P) Business Development at Microsoft Gulf.
“The ADCA is responsible for monitoring the movement of goods and enhancing trade policies and procedures in Abu Dhabi, so the businesses and the people of the emirate in general will greatly benefit from their improved understanding of anti-piracy and IPR protection methods. Through this training we aim to provide ADCA with a potent mix of industry and legal expertise that can help their Customs Inspection Personnel dramatically improve their piracy detection, assessment and response skills,” said Chancellor Dr. Mohammed Mahmoud Al Kamali, Director-General of the Institute of Judicial Training and Studies.
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