
Saudi Investment Bank Adopts SSS Process EBM Solution
Published Feb 15, 2012
The Saudi Investment Bank (SAIB), in collaboration with SSS Process, has inaugurated Microsoft Enterprise Project Management (EPM).
The EPM Solution, based on Microsoft Office Project 2010, is an end-to-end collaborative project designed to help SAIB gain visibility, insight, efficient and dynamic solutions for sharing date, developing strategies, and managing risks and logistics.
Head of Enterprise Program Management and IT Strategy, Jamal Habahbeh, Said: “Our administration is keen on developing its banking system and supplying it with best and latest technologies to boost its position in the Saudi market and increase its operational efficiency and competitiveness.”
"We believe that automating project management and business processes through a unique communication platform guarantees quality and speed of work execution. Moreover, such applications which are based on systematic methodologies play a vital role in managing and implementing projects, increasing success rates and raising customer service levels,” Al Habahbeh added.
In addition to ease-of-use capabilities and providing electronic platforms with the highest standards of safety, security, and confidentiality, the SharePoint 2010 tool supplies the necessary file-sharing infrastructure that helps employees to efficiently interact with documents and accelerates database access and information retrieval.
In his comment, SSS Process CEO, Dr. Alaa Ensheiwat, said that the company will deploy its technical capabilities and programming expertise to supply the bank with a system that fits its needs and helps the administrative bodies to draw strategic work plans, set project execution strategies, and coordinate work between managers and other concerned parties.”
Ensheiwat added, “The technical services and e-solutions provided by SSS Process enjoy high levels of accuracy and comprehensiveness. These basic pillars are among the factors that contribute to the development of an advanced managerial system that can boost a banking institution in the size of SAIB.”
It is worth noting that the Secure Services Systems Company, the Jordanian-Saudi leading company specialized in providing e-government services and software solutions, has been instrumental since its establishment in 2003 in building up banking systems and providing advanced e-services at the level of e-government projects, such as Murasalat and C4 Sadad, and other fields that require the highest levels of security.
SSS Process
Secure Services Systems Company is considered as one of the pioneering Arabic organizations in the field of innovative Information Technology solutions where it emphasized since its’ establishment in 2003 on providing specialized services to the governmental sector. It also worked on providing technical solutions with international standards that will satisfy local needs by increasing productivity and efficiency. The KSA based company has gained a lot of experience in running governmental projects especially in the gulf region.
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