
Apple Sold More iOS Devices Last Year Than Macs In 28 Years
Published Feb 19, 2012
During last week’s conference for Goldman Sachs, Apple’s new CEO Tim Cook discussed the incredible success of the iPad selling 55 million units to date (in 2 years), and how even he didn’t see it performing as well as it did. Talking about the sales numbers of the iPad, Tim Cook said, “To put it in context, it took us 22 years to sell 55 million Macs. It took us about 5 years to sell 22 million iPods, and it took us about 3 years to sell that many iPhones. And so, this thing is, as you said, it’s on a trajectory that’s off the charts.”
Based on that last line, Asymco came up with a chart that actually shows the sale of iOS devices compared to Macs sold. The results are very interesting as iOS devices show an incredible amount of growth since release.
Of course, consumers nowadays are more ready to adopt new technology than the past three decades. In total 316 million iOS units have been sold to date, of which 156 million were in 2011 alone. Comparatively there have been 122 million Macs sold to date. So last year alone all Apple’s iOS devices outsold every Mac sold to date.
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