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Amr Diab Teams up with Google + to do Hangout with Fans

Published Feb 29, 2012

Google announced today its hosting a Google+ Hangout for the first time ever with the Arab world’s largest pop star Amr Diab on March 9th backstage before a concert he will be performing during the Du World Music Festival at Burj Park in Dubai.

Nine lucky fans will participate in a Google+ Hangout with Amr Diab during a live online event. The “hangout” allows lucky fans to engage directly with the pop star via video chat over the internet while he is backstage.

To join the Hangout with Amr Diab please visit the following link:

Amr Diab, who connects with his fans using the internet, joins the rank of celebrities and key figures who are using Google+ to connect with global audiences. Google+ hangouts have been used by everyone from celeb singers like Lady Gaga and Will.I.Am to public figures like President Obama, the Dalai Lama, Archischop Desmond Tutu and even footballer David Beckam.

“We are thrilled that Amr Diab will be the first Google+ hangout from the Middle East region - he always knows how to connect with fans and this partnership with Google is just the beginning, according to Najeeb Jarrar Google MENA Marketing. He added “this Google+ hangout will allow us to create magic moments between Amr Diab and his fans in new and unique ways.”

Google+ is a project that aims to make sharing on the web more like sharing in the real world: you share different things with different people. But Google+ is not just a social network, it has an impact on how people interact across all of Google’s products.

Fans of Amr Diab can get a chance to join the hangout by visiting his Google+ page (link here) and +1 his page. Once they visit his page, they can click on a link to his website and fill out the competition form which should include a link to their Google+ page. The hangout is open to fans from around the world to join in to get a chance to hangout with Amr Diab backstage before his concert.

For More Information Amr Diab:
Google+ Page:
YouTube Channel:

About Google+
Google+ is a project that aims to make sharing on the web more like sharing in the real world: you share different things with different people. But Google+ is not just a social network; it will have an impact on how people interact across all of Google. By forming a relationship with users, knowing their identity and better understanding them, we can improve their entire Google experience - from search to ads to apps, like Gmail. This is just the beginning, and we’re excited to see how people interact and connect with others across all Google properties.

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Posted by VMD - [Virtual Marketing Department]

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