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Business Software Alliance Discusses IPR Protection Measures During Oman Judicial Roundtable

Published Mar 29, 2012

Business Software Alliance (BSA), the leading global organisation that is the voice of the software industry, recently held a judicial roundtable in the Sultanate of Oman under the sponsorship of the public prosecution, wherein various measures to protect Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in Oman were discussed. The roundtable also emphasised the adverse economic impact of software piracy, underlining the importance of combined efforts by various parties, including the judiciary, to curb piracy.

Other key points discussed at the Oman judicial roundtable included plans to impose stricter penalties and conduct more aggressive enforcement initiatives against illegal resellers across the country. In addition, there was a call for more regular roundtables with regional judiciary and media. The meeting also recommended additional awareness and education campaigns throughout the Sultanate to educate and inform different segments about the detrimental effects of software piracy.

His Excellency Sheikh Hussain Hilali, prosecutor of the Sultanate of Oman, said: “As Oman continues to make rapid strides of progress on all fronts, it is imperative that we ensure that the country’s economic development is not compromised by software piracy. Through these judicial roundtables, initiated by the BSA, we want to send out a strong message that Oman will not tolerate any infringement of intellectual property rights, and that the country’s judicial system is equally committed to curbing piracy.”

Jawad Al Redha, Chair, BSA Gulf, said: “Creating a safe and legal digital environment in Oman greatly promotes investor confidence, driving fresh revenues for the national economy. The BSA is committed to supporting Oman’s ongoing efforts to cut down software piracy levels and contribute to the country’s steady economic growth through a series of awareness initiatives and by closely coordinating with the government and other authorities like the public prosecution.”

According to a 2010 study by the BSA and IDC, reducing software piracy globally by 10 points over a four year period would produce USD 142 billion in new economic activity by 2013 in the 116 countries studied, with more than 80 per cent accruing to local industries. The reduction would also create nearly 500,000 high-tech jobs and generate roughly USD 32 billion in new tax revenues worldwide.

About BSA
The Business Software Alliance ( is the leading global advocate for the software industry. It is an association of nearly 100 world-class companies that invest billions of dollars annually to create software solutions that spark the economy and improve modern life. Through international government relations, intellectual property enforcement and educational activities, BSA expands the horizons of the digital world and builds trust and confidence in the new technologies driving it forward. BSA members include: Adobe, Apple, Asseco Poland S.A., Autodesk, Bentley Systems, CNC, Corel, Microsoft, PTC, Siemens, Symantec, Tekla and The MathWorks.

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