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du Educates Children On Internet Security In Support Of Dubai Police Safety Education Week

Published Apr 4, 2012

In support of Dubai Police Safety Education Week, part of the ‘Tarbiya Amniya’ campaign, du’s Technology Security team held workshops and edutainment sessions for children to teach them how to safely use the internet.

The sessions for children aged 6 – 12 years, were held at Dubai Heritage Village, Shindagha. In addition to workshops, the du organised interactive edutainment activities in a du-branded mobile van, using Sony PlayStation 3 consoles.

“We take every effort possible to ensure safe internet browsing for everyone, however teaching children how to safely navigate the internet is an important role that we are inclined to play in the community. Our thanks go to Dubai Police for giving us the opportunity to impart our knowledge and experience onto the younger members of our society,” said Hala Badri, Executive Vice President, Brand and Communications, du. “Under the banner of our Corporate Social Responsibility efforts, we encourage our employees to engage with the community to give back in ways which are meaningful and beneficial to the society.”

Educating children of this age group is vital to ensuring a safer community, both online and offline. Between the age of 6 – 12, children are becoming more aware of their world and should be educated on the ways in which they can benefit it from, as well as on the potential dangers that they can stumble upon. A total of 97 hours of voluntary work was completely by the 16 du employees who participated and volunteered for the project.

Dubai Police Safety Education Week aimed to educate more than 1500 children about safety, with the final day being dedicated to children with Special Needs. Other topics covered throughout the campaign include road safety, protecting the environment, responsible use of parks and public property, Emirati culture and more.

Under the slogan, ‘Together we can build better communities. Together we can change the world,’ the programmed aimed to encourage integration into a multicultural society; spread a culture of tolerance and understanding, and reinforce the importance of being a good member of society.

About du
du, the integrated telecom service provider in the UAE, launched mobile telecommunication services in February 2007 across the UAE, in addition to internet and pay TV services that du provides in some of the free zones of Dubai. Call Select, du's nationwide fixed line services for voice telephony, was launched in July 2007. By the end of 3rd quarter of 2011, over 4,937,900 people in the UAE had chosen to become du mobile customers.

Among du’s many firsts is its historic Number Booking Campaign for both individuals and business, Pay by the Second billing system, Mobile TV, Mobile Payments, first of its kind ‘WoW’ recharge card (which offers customers the choice between ‘more credit’, ‘more time’ and now the ‘more international’ recharge option with additional credit on international calls) and Self Care.

For business customers, du business offers include Closed Business User Group and preferred International Destinations. du Broadcast Services division brings scalable media technology platforms and telecommunication solutions to the broadcast community through its world-class teleport (Samacom) and Master Control Room (MCR) facilities.

du products and services for consumers and business are available through du’s retail network, currently numbering 44 du shops located in strategic locations across the UAE, including the recently opened flagship store located in the heart of Abu Dhabi. In addition, customers can access du products and services at more than 3000 authorised dealers or through the du e-shop, accessible at du shops are a one-stop-shop for mobile service, carrier select and the payment of service bills.

du is 39.5 per cent owned by the UAE Federal Government, 19.75 per cent by Mubadala Development Company, 19.5 per cent by Emirates Communications & Technology Company LLC and the remaining stake by public shareholders. It is listed on the Dubai Financial Market (DFM) and trades under the name du.

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Posted by VMD - [Virtual Marketing Department]

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