Alcatel-Lucent: Results of Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of June 8, 2012
Published Jun 11, 2012
Alcatel-Lucent held its annual joint ordinary and extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting in Paris. Shareholders present or represented by proxy voted, in aggregate, a total of 792 million shares, which represented a quorum of 34.94 per cent. They approved all proposed resolutions.
The Shareholders’ Meeting thus approved the 2011 statutory financial statements of the parent company and consolidated financial statements, and decided to transfer to retained earnings its 2011 result.
It also ratified the recommendation of the Board of directors to renew the terms of office as members of the Board of directors of Lady Silvia Jay and Mr. Jean-Cyril Spinetta for two year mandates, of Messrs. Stuart E. Eizenstat, Louis R. Hughes and Olivier Piou for three year mandates, as well as the terms of office as Board observer of Mr. Bertrand Lapraye for three year mandate.
Last, the Shareholders’ Meeting approved the renewal of the delegation of authority to the Board of Directors for the financial authorizations to increase the share capital, limits being identically renewed over a 26-month period.
The Shareholders’ Meeting presentations will be available for replay from today in the evening on Alcatel-Lucent’s Investor pages at: http://www.alcatel-lucent.com/investors.
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