Consumerization is Here: Surveys from Trend Micro Confirm that BYOD is Overtaking the Workplace and That Device Security is Top Concern
Published Aug 14, 2012
Trend Micro announced that a survey conducted by Forrester Consulting and commissioned by Trend Micro shows that across the U.S. and Europe, the majority (78 percent) of enterprise IT decision makers say that employees are already using consumer devices to conduct company business. This is further supported by another survey, also commissioned by Trend Micro and conducted by Decisive Analytics, which shows how the “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) phenomenon is not only prevalent in enterprises, but device security is a top concern for these companies.
Information from these two surveys commissioned by Trend Micro, entitled “Key Strategies to Capture and Measure the Value of Consumerization of IT” by Forrester Consulting and “Mobile Consumerization Trends & Perceptions” by Decisive Analytics, can be found below.
Consumerization and Device Security
The most telling result from the Key Strategies to Capture and Measure the Value of Consumerization of IT survey is the fact that 78 percent of enterprises are currently instituting BYOD programs. Breaking out the numbers from these programs, 60 percent of respondents include smartphones in BYOD strategies and 47 percent deploy tablets and laptops. When asked why BYOD has been instituted in a company’s workplace, 70 percent of survey respondents cite increasing worker productivity as the key driver of why such a high penetration of BYOD programs exists.
However, the Mobile Consumerization Trends & Perceptions survey shows that nearly all (83 percent) companies that do permit BYOD have policies in place that require employees to install security software as a precaution. Further underlining these security implications, Trend Micro found that 86 percent of IT decision makers from the U.S., U.K. and Germany state that smartphone data security is their number one concern when consumer devices are connected to corporate networks.
Trends in Consumerization
Both surveys point to the fact that consumerization is present in enterprise workplaces. In particular, the Mobile Consumerization Trends & Perceptions survey gives evidence of trends, such as the fact that nearly half (47 percent) of enterprises that allow employee-owned devices to connect to a company’s network have experienced a data breach. Of these enterprises, immediate changes to security protocols typically followed such a breach, with data access right restrictions (45 percent) or security software installation (43 percent) being the top ways enterprises dealt with the lapse in security. Few enterprises (12 percent) shut down BYOD altogether following a breach, as they still recognize the benefits of BYOD can be preserved when proper security precautions are put into place.
“Companies that are questioning whether or not to allow workers to bring personal devices into the workplace should just stop asking: it’s clear that you can get a competitive edge when you put the right precautions in place,” said Cesare Garlati, vice president of mobile security, Trend Micro. “The BYOD phenomenon gives companies that allow it a competitive advantage as it enhances innovation and creativity in the workplace while reducing overall costs for the entire organization. The key to not being overwhelmed by this trend is that all these devices need to be secured by implementing the proper BYOD policies and procedures. By working with a security partner that understands how to properly protect all devices across a network, companies can utilize this trend without being trampled by the deluge of information.”
Survey Methodology
Trend Micro conducted these two surveys in the first half of 2012, analyzing the issue of consumerization.
More than 200 IT professionals were surveyed in a survey commissioned by Trend Micro, entitled Key Strategies to Capture and Measure the Value of Consumerization of IT. Each of the participants in this study were interviewed for 45 minutes by the Forrester Consulting Group, and work for enterprises that have formalized BYOD programs and employ at least 500 employees in the U.S., U.K., France and Germany.
More than 400 IT professionals were surveyed jointly by Trend Micro and Decisive Analytics, for a study entitled, Mobile Consumerization Trends & Perceptions. Each of the participants were surveyed by Decisive Analytics and work for enterprises that have formalized BYOD programs and employ at least 500 employees in the U.S., U.K. and Germany.
Supporting materials
To view a copy of the Forrester survey, Key Strategies to Capture and Measure the Value of Consumerization of IT, please view it here.
To see the complete results from the survey conducted by Decisive Analytics, Mobile Consumerization Trends & Perceptions, please view it here.
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VMD - [Virtual Marketing Department]