Computer Interaction Conference Promises Cutting-Edge Demos
Published Apr 29, 2013
There will be a ton of interesting research and prototypes on display at the Computer Human Interaction (CHI) conference in Paris this week.
The "interactivity" section will be buzzing with activity and there will be hands-on opportunities with some of the most interesting research projects.
"CHI is a really interesting mix because it's the place where people who are interested in technology and human beings come together," said Wendy Mackay, general chair of CHI.
"It's a way for us as a community to digest very large topics by bringing specialists of different backgrounds together," said Patrick Baudisch technical co-chair of the conference.
The Hasso Plattner Institute will show two if its research projects. One is a real-time laser cutter that will cut out designs using a 150-watt laser as they are sketched. The other one has to do with electrodes that attach to the forearm and give force feedback, basically turning the body into an actuator.
Past years at CHI have seen some interesting research and prototypes, including electric lemonade last year and Zero Touch, where researchers from Texas lined a 55-inch television with IR or infrared effectively turning it into a low cost touch screen.
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