
Mobile and Ciena complete 1 Terabit Network Trial in the Middle East
Published Jan 14, 2014
Mobily, the fastest growing mobile operator in the Middle East, has teamed with Ciena to successfully complete a live field trial of a 1 Terabit optical transmission across key metro sites in Riyadh, the capital city of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).
The trial took place during in December 2013 across Mobily’s existing metro fiber infrastructure in Riyadh and carried its public sector and enterprise customers’ traffic over 40G and 100G wavelengths. The Terabit super-channel traversed an existing NDSF fiber in Mobily’s Metro Network, demonstrating that Mobily will be able to seamlessly upgrade its existing metro network to support 400Gb/s and 1Tb/s channels without any modifications to its existing network. With that capacity, Mobily - which already owns more than 40 percent of KSA’s mobile market - will be able to quickly adapt to meet surging bandwidth requirements, support faster Internet speeds and enable new cloud-based applications.
The feat was accomplished leveraging Ciena’s 6500 Packet-Optical Platform, powered by our WaveLogic 3 coherent optical processors. The transmission used 16QAM modulation to achieve 4b/s/Hz of spectral efficiency, which equates to double what is possible with 100G systems today.
“Mobily’s culture is built on innovation and fast execution, bringing the latest technology offerings to our customers,” said Eng Nasser AlNasser, COO at Mobily, “The successful 1Tb/s trial, the first of its kind in the Middle East, is the next step in our network evolution. Ciena’s high-capacity Terabit optical technology will give us the flexibility and scalability to make 1Tb/s a reality and deliver next-generation products and services to our customers.”
The Terabit trial follows the activation of Mobily’s commercial 100G network in 2011. Mobily leverages Ciena’s coherent 40G and 100G technologies across its national and Metro Ethernet fiber networks.
Late last year, Ciena and Comcast announced a live network trail of Terabit speeds over Comcast’s production network in the U.S. (see Comcast and Ciena hit 1 Terabit using toolbox of new optical technologies).
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VMD - [Virtual Marketing Department]