
Infonetics Research Report Identifies Arbor Networks as World Leader in DDoS Prevention
Published Jan 14, 2014
Arbor Networks, Inc. was identified as the top supplier of DDoS prevention solutions overall as well as in the Carrier, Enterprise and Mobile market segments in a new report from Infonetics Research, titled DDoS Prevention Appliance Market Outlook.
According to Infonetics, the increasing volume of highly visible attacks and the increasing sophistication of application-layer attacks are driving demand for both on-premise and cloud-based DDoS managed services.
“For more than a decade, Arbor has maintained its leadership position in the DDoS prevention market,” said Jeff Wilson, principal analyst with Infonetics Research. “Arbor continues to evolve and innovate, launching Arbor CloudSM, their hybrid on-premise and cloud-based DDoS mitigation solution, and acquiring PacketLoop for advanced security analytics and forensic capability. This is a very active market and moves like these help keep Arbor in a leadership position.”
“No company has more experience detecting and mitigating DDoS attacks than Arbor Networks. Over the years, our solutions have evolved, as have the threats. Today’s dynamic threat landscape requires multi-layered protection and we’re delivering that with Arbor Cloud,” said Matt Moynahan, President of Arbor Networks.
Arbor CloudSM for Multi-Layer DDoS Protection
Arbor Cloud is an integrated, multi-layer solution defending today’s complex DDoS attacks. This is achieved by integrating Arbor’s on-premise, always-on DDoS defense product with its cloud-based, on-demand traffic scrubbing service.
The Pravail® Availability Protection System guards against complex application-layer attacks and state-exhausting attacks that overwhelm traditional perimeter security devices such as firewalls and IPS. Augmenting the on-site protection is an integrated, on-demand traffic scrubbing service staffed by Arbor’s DDoS security experts. This cloud-based service defends against volumetric DDoS attacks that are too large to be mitigated on-premise.
With each layer of protection, Arbor delivers its industry-leading expertise and technology—whether through its on-premise solution or its globally deployed architecture for DDoS traffic scrubbing in the cloud. As a result, Arbor Cloud provides a single, carrier-agnostic solution that helps protect global enterprises from multi-layer attacks that evade traditional perimeter defenses.
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