
Paladion Launches Information Security Regulation (ISR) Solution PKit
Published Jan 22, 2014
Global full service managed security provider Paladion announced the launch of PKit, a solution built for Government Entities to comply with the Dubai Government’s Information Security Regulation (ISR).
Addressing the needs of Dubai Government Entities (DGE) IT decision makers, chief security officers, and compliance officers for a cost- and time-efficient ISR solutions, the PKit brings topnotch information security processes through a combination of automated tools, built-in features, ready-to-use content and expert guidance. The PKit solution is market proven with over 100 organizations achieving and sustaining international accredited information security certifications including ISO27001, PCI-DSS and HIPPA.
“Our highly skilled technical expert team with over 13 years of experience in building and implementing information security programs, has built the PKit solution on insights gained from implementing and operating information security management systems for organizations across industries and size,” commented Firosh Ummer, Chief Operating Officer at Paladion Networks. Today, he explained, PKit equips organizations with easy-to-use security software that enables ISR compliance on-time and with reasonable budgets; indeed, the solution’s implementation model encompasses automated tools for online awareness, an assessment module with Arabic and English support, and lots of pre-built content saving organizations time.
The launch of PKit comes in line with several recent initiatives and decisions by the Dubai government revolving around information security management across sectors. Following its approval of an ISR mandate that was circulated across governmental entities in early June 2013, the Dubai government’s Information and Security Committee (ISC), along with representatives from the Financial Audit Department (FAD), held a meeting in late September 2013 with regards to the current status, commitment and future of governmental entities’ ISR plans. The meeting also discussed the development of a unified and integrated strategy and policy for information security regulation, monitoring and incident management in Dubai. Currently, the Dubai government’s ISR covers 12 domains, including information security management and governance, information asset management, information security Risk Assessment, incident management, and business continuity planning, among others. “Paladion will help governmental entities in meeting ISR requirements and standards across these domains, and also identify new threats and opportunities in their security systems, on which our team will continuously develop and enhance the PKit tools and features,” said Ummer.
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