
ESET to Discuss Latest IT Security Trends at IDC Roadshow
Published Apr 7, 2014
The Middle East leg of the prestigious IDC IT Security Roadshow is set to take place between the 8th of April to the 21st of May 2014. The events in Riyadh, Doha, Dubai, Kuwait and Oman will bring together some of the biggest players in the IT security arena to raise awareness and address the topic of cyber security in the age of web-based business technologies, expanding government regulations and increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks. As a leading security solutions vendor, ESET Middle East is strongly backing the event and through its sponsorship and participation will deliver a number of presentations highlighting the latest evolutions in the IT security domain.
In its 10 predictions for the Middle East IT market in 2014, IDC stated that further strengthening IT security policies and plans would be a major goal for governments and enterprises in the region. Pradeesh VS, General Manager at ESET Middle East said, “The roadshow touches upon every facet of IT security ranging from cloud computing, big data, mobile devices and even physical security. The informative sessions will help guide IT investments and ensure that budgets are allocated to the areas that present the maximum risk to each individual organization. We are keen to raise awareness through presentations that balance their focus on both industry trends and the solutions that ESET has to offer.”
As this is a top priority in ESET's events calendar for the Middle East, Pavel Luka, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at ESET will be in attendance at the conferences in Riyadh, Doha and Dubai which will be held on the 8th, 28th and 30th of April respectively. At these, he will delivery a presentation titled “Trends in IT Security: Sneak-peek into the Future” which will detail the upcoming trends and challenges such as privacy issues, targeted attacks and advanced persistent threats. Also in attendances will be the top executives from ESET's regional team including Neo Neophytou, Managing Director at ESET Middle East, Cypress and Greece, and Pradeesh VS General Manager at ESET Middle East.
ESET will also demonstrate its latest security solutions at its stand at the events. The company's line of solutions for business customers help organizations of all sizes cover security across all platforms and all types of devices including computers, laptops, smartphones, fileservers, mailservers, and company gateways.
“We believe in making ourselves as accessible to our customers as possible and encourage events such as the IDC IT Security Roadshow as it fosters knowledge sharing that ultimately benefits the market,” concluded Pradeesh VS.
Details about the IDC IT Security Roadshow are available at: http://idc-cema.com/eng/events/53031-idc-it-security-roadshow-2014.
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