
R&M Successfully Conducts 100G Extended Reach Test
Published Jul 15, 2014
R&M, the global Swiss developer and provider of connectivity systems for high-quality, high-performance network infrastructures, has performed a link test1 with eleven randomly selected MTP® OM4 Trunk cables over a total distance of 675 meters. The test series was set up to confirm the outstanding performance of components, assembling capabilities and internal test methods. The aim to reach a bit error ratio (BER) better than 10-12 over a period exceeding 13 hours has been more than achieved thus confirming the outstanding quality of R&M’s High Performance Network Connectivity solutions.
Background Information
IEEE prescribes a number of ways to address high speed Ethernet. Depending on required distances and speed, IEEE 802.3ba foresees different transmission methods. For short range applications, the 100GBASE-SR10 substandard plays an important role. It defines the transmission of 100Gbit/s over multi-mode fiber using cost effective 850 nm lasers. Ten lanes of multi-mode fiber deliver serialized data at a rate of 10Gbit/s per lane. Due to the limited IL budget with OM4 fibers the standard foresees a maximum reach with of 150m only.
Passed with excellent results
A series of MTP® Trunks consisting of different lengths from 5 meters up to 160 meters was randomly selected. With caution the different adapters and plugs were cleaned to form a 675 meter link with 10 MTP® adapters in-between. Commercially available 100GBASE-SR10 CFP full-duplex transceiver modules where used to transmit Ethernet packets at 850 nm wavelength. For the throughput simulation, frame sizes of 64-, 128-, 256-, 1024-, 1280-, 1518- and 9000 Bytes where defined to analyse the theoretical versus the actual throughput. After 13hours, 23minutes and 38seconds the test was considered to be completed. Not a single packet was lost during the entire duration of the test. For details see the original Xena Network RFC 2544 report.
Parallel optics has been established in the data center infrastructure world during recent years. The usage of this technology leads to more challenges for engineers, planners and data center managers. Link lengths needs to be planned more carefully than ever before. Cabling systems should be selected taking loss budgets and link segments very detailed into consideration.
R&M's HD MPO multi-fiber solution sets standards for port density and efficient use of space, for flexibility and safety as well as for convenient planning and installation. The system is particularly attractive to Middle East organizations as it enables migration to 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) and later to 40/100 GbE without a hitch and with as little expense and effort as possible. R&M's HD MPO system also needs 96% less space in the data center than conventional systems and the installation effort and expense per port is 66% less.
A detailed technical report of the test is available: http://www.rdm.com/en/Portaldata/1/Resources/hq/presse_d_e/pressebilder_und_texte/2014/140425_-_r_m_realisiert_extended_reach_test_auf_100g/Test_Report_-_100G_Extended_Reach_over_10_MPO_and_674m_OM4.pdf
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