
California Department of Technology’s Office of Technology Services (OTech) Invests in Software AG “Big Iron” Solutions
Published Jun 18, 2015
Software AG announced further investment by the California Department of Technology’s Office of Technology Services (OTech) in Software AG’s Adabas and Natural application modernization platform. The California Information Technology Strategic Plan 2015 Update encourages state agencies to “colloborate across agency lines, to consider mobile and cloud technologies first, and to focus on the impact to consumers in evaluating their technology investments.”
To achieve this goal, OTech needed a system to effortlessly access the data and information stored in massive mainframe repositories across the State in different, disparate departments. OTech chose Software AG’s Event Replicator for Adabas to facilitate getting information from the billions of transactions running every week through Adabas-Natural applications to the right person by providing real-time change data capture.
Additionally, OTech selected Software AG’s EntireX to enable multiple agencies to create new high-value business services quickly by reusing existing application functions in their service-oriented architecture (SOA). EntireX will also connect OTech’s core applications quickly and bi-directionally to integrate their mainframe assets into process applications.
Davood Ghods, Chief of the California Department of Technology’s Office of Technology Services, said: “With hundreds of state, country, federal and local government agencies and departments throughout California relying on OTech, we needed something that simply worked out-of-the-box and provided high scalability, unrelenting performance, and robust security. Equally, we wanted a stable, world-class platform that could handle the processing of billions of transactions on a daily basis from which we could harness the power of Mobile and Cloud technologies in a secure environment.”
Most importantly, noted Ghods, “we needed a system in place that serves up ‘one source of truth’ turning our data into knowledge that our State citizens and workers can use confidently. It all boils down to this – we want to increase citizen engagement with the State through a wider deployment that improves public safety, health and education.”
The California Department of Technology’s Office of Technology Services has been using mainframe computers (or "big iron") for more than twenty years primarily for critical applications, bulk data processing such as census, industry and consumer statistics, tax collection, State resource planning and transaction processing.
Joe Gentry, senior vice president and general manager, Mainframe Business Unit, Software AG, said: “Serving up bad or inaccurate data can be very costly (see infographic), which is why the California Department of Technology’s Office of Technology Services, who has the largest state budget for information technology in the USA, partnered with Software AG to ensure they can access their data from any repository, anytime, securely.“
Gentry continued: “Many California agencies, such as state hospitals and CALSTRS, have been using our systems for more than thirty years and have evolved from green screen applications in the early days to Web and Service based applications. All successfully supported in a secure, high-performance environment and without the risks associated with ‘rip and replace’ projects.”
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