
Digitizing Energy Sector to Jolt Egypt’s GDP by 30 Percent to E£ 3 Trillion by 2017
Published May 16, 2016
Digital transformation of Egypt’s energy sector could jolt the country’s GDP by 30 percent to top E£ 3 trillion by 2017, industry experts announced at the SAP Forum Cairo.
In line with Egypt’s Sustainable Development Strategy 2030, the government recently tendered 3 million of a projected 40 million smart meters. The government is also driving investment in renewable energy to reach 20 percent of electricity generated by 2020, and is reforming energy subsidies.
Combined, these digital energy initiatives could grow Egypt’s GDP by 33 percent from E£ 2.4 trillion in 2015 to E£ 3.2 trillion in 2017, according to a recent report by the African Development Bank.
“Egypt’s government has laid the solid foundation and roadmap for digitizing its energy sector and wider government services. Public-private partnerships that leverage global best practices with government vision can ensure Egypt consistently delivers power,” said Gergi Abboud, Managing Director – Gulf and Egypt at the international enterprise software company SAP.
By connecting energy producers, retailers, and consumers, Egypt’s government can use the power of real-time, in-memory analytics to better manage supply and demand, optimize the power grid to reduce emissions, and model customer profiles to advise customers on how to reduce energy bills.
“Smart utilities can also serve as a test case for wider digitization of Egypt’s government services such as Smart Cities, healthcare, and education,” added Gergi Abboud.
At the SAP Forum Cairo, hundreds of customers, channel partners, government officials, and C-suite executives have experienced how cloud solutions can transform government, energy and natural resources, connected utilities, cloud and commerce, real estate, construction, and healthcare.
The in-memory computing platform SAP HANA and real-time business suite SAP S/4HANA are the engines that power real-time data analysis across these sectors.
Supporting Egypt’s workforce of the future to manage these advanced technologies, the SAP Training and Development Institute is enhancing partnerships with Egyptian educational initiatives such as Africa Code Week, and with partners such as the American University in Cairo, Alexandria University, and the Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport.
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