
General Information Authority Begins Accepting E-Gulf Award Nominations From Government Agencies
Published Nov 2, 2009
The General Information Authority (GIA) has invited Government entities in the UAE to take part in the local competition to represent the country in the e-Gulf Award which will take place in Muscat, Oman in December 2009.
The GIA has called for participants to send their nominations before November 22nd 2009, so that its team of experts can review all the nominations and select those which will represent the UAE in competing for the award's five categories: E-Services, E-Content, E-Maturity, E-Economy and E-Project.
H. E. Salem Al Shair, General Manager of GIA commented on the UAE's participation in the award saying: "Awards usually create competition and encourage quality, leading to higher levels of achievements. Therefore, we invite our brothers at the Government entities to participate in the e-Gulf 2009."
Al Shair added: "the UAE has a long record of achievements in the field of e-government and e-transformation. The high scores we achieved in various regional and international competitions and studies have been inspired by the directions of our insightful leaders. In this competition we are determined to maintain the leading position of the UAE in the fields of e-Gulf competition."
Mr. Al Shair has expressed his confidence that the government entities will not be late in submitting their nominations, saying that those who are selected locally "will certainly return from Muscat with new achievements and with a wealth of interactive experience with their brothers, the representatives of the GCC e-governments.”
E-Gulf Award was launched as per a decision by the GCC Secretariat General. The award aspires towards fundamental transformation in institutional performance to enhance the information society in the Arab Gulf countries. It is granted in appreciation and recognition of government agencies with distinguished performance, applying world-class standards of e-excellence.
The hosting of eGulf award will rotate each year around the GCC countries, the First GCC Award will be held in Oman in December 2009 sponsored by the Omani Information Technology Authority (ITA).
One of the Award's categories is the Best e-Service Award, granted to the government agency providing high standard and end-to-end electronic service to citizens and continuously focusing on improving their standard of living and quality of life. The evaluation criteria metrics of this award include service significance in enhancing customer satisfaction, security of privacy and payment data and ease of use.
Another award is the e-Economy which is granted to the entity utilizing best practice of ICT in order to promote the development of the economic sector in the country. Evaluation criteria of this award incorporates participant interaction, the uniqueness of the adopted approach and value added to the national economy.
The best e-Content Award will be granted to the government website that demonstrates outstanding standard of content, design, accessibility, originality, professionalism and overall site comprehensiveness and effectiveness.
For further information contact:
Orient Planet PR and Marketing Communications
P O Box 23345, Dubai, UAE.
Tel: 00 971 4 3988901
Fax: 00 971 4 3988941
Email: media@orientplanet.com
Website: www.orientplanet.com
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VMD - [Virtual Marketing Department]