
Etisalat Launches Broadband-“IBSAR” Software Bundle for the Visually Impaired
Published Nov 3, 2009
In line with its corporate social responsibility initiatives, Etisalat today launched a new software bundle for visually impaired customers. The software bundle includes Sakhr Software’s powerful text-to-voice application, IBSAR, along with Al Shamil broadband or 3G Mobile Data services, providing a convenient choice of broadband Internet access to customers. . IBSAR solution, is a customized application for special needs customers that allows written text to be read out loud in English or Arabic, thereby, assisting the visually impaired.
Customers can choose and select the IBSAR bundle with either the Al Shamil broadband or 3G Mobile 10G Data services, depending on individual requirements. The new bundle is not only available for special needs customers, but is also offered to any customer keen to use it for educational purposes. To further add on to the convenience of its customers and provide additional value, Etisalat has affordably priced this bundle on a lease-to-own basis, with easy installments of AED 70 per month for three years, over and above the cost of the selected broadband service (Al Shamil or 3G Mobile).
Once customers subscribe to the new bundle, they will receive an Etisalat Broadband/ IBSAR Software Bundle Subscription Certificate, which will enable them to claim the software from Sakhr and later receive upgrades/support during their subscription period. After three years of subscription, the customers will fully own the IBSAR software.
Omar Al Muzakki, Vice President, Product Marketing at Etisalat, said: “Etisalat has always strived for social equality of the special needs customers through its ‘Freedom’ suite of products and services. We have introduced several initiatives that not only enable this special segment of our customers to feel self reliant, but also improves their technical capabilities, education and confidence levels. With the IBSAR software bundle, our customers will now be able to afford the convenience of a simplified text to voice application, and benefit from this technology on a daily basis.”
Jihad Salman, General Manager Sakhr Sales in Abu Dhabi, said: “The Etisalat-IBSAR bundle is an unprecedented initiative from Etisalat. Providing communication solutions to visually impaired customers is critically important as it helps in integrating special needs individuals with the rest of community. This bundle allows them to benefit from information and Internet services that may otherwise be inaccessible to them. Ibsar enables people with visual problems to become more independent. It gives them the chance to access information, type, browse the Internet, use email, and decrease their reliance on others. This emphasizes comes in line with our great respect to their personal freedom.”
Etisalat is committed to extend the reach of its customers with special needs through a range of suitable technologies and communication services that augment their capabilities and helps them to achieve more at their work, making their life simpler and fulfilling, while allowing them integrate with society in a better way.
For further media information, please contact:
Mohammad Okour
Mobile: 050 8815000
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