
Thuraya Sponsors Key World Telecom Forum In Beirut
Published Nov 4, 2009
As a world leading mobile satellite operator, Thuraya Telecommunications Co. will be one of the sponsors of this year’s Global Industry Leaders Forum and the Global Symposium for Regulators (GILF/GSR 2009) to be held in Beirut next week. The event which draws more than 600 participants, tackles major issues for the telecom industry ranging from growth stimulation and universal access policies to effective regulation and consumer protection.
Thuraya provides satellite-based mobile handheld, broadband, maritime communications, rural telephony and several other specialised solutions in a large multi-regional coverage area spanning Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Australia. The Company’s products and solutions are designed to reliably meet the needs of vertical markets, enterprises and communities which are located in areas that are not served adequately by terrestrial networks. Moreover, the products and solutions help provide vital links via satellite to rescue teams, government authorities and humanitarian agencies for relief and rehabilitation efforts.
The Company’s recent launch of the world’s “toughest satellite handheld phone” (Thuraya-XT) is an example of its pioneering role in serving this niche market.
Thuraya’s Senior Manager Corporate Communications, Mr. Ebrahim K. Ebrahim says, “Thuraya’s sponsorship of GILF/GSR 2009 is in line with the Company’s vision of being an active player and participant in all initiatives aimed at developing telecoms across the world.”
He also adds that the GILF/GSR event is such a platform that serves all stakeholders of the industry, including regulators, operators, vendors and others, which makes it a significant telecom gathering, and which makes Thuraya proud to be associated with it.
GILF which is taking place on the 9th of November is a high-level forum for CEOs and other industry leaders to convey their views and make proposals regarding key regulatory and policy issues affecting their businesses and the ICT/telecommunications industry more broadly, as part of an interactive exchange with regulators and policy-makers.
The annual Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR) organized by ITU is a venue for regulators and policy-makers from both developed and developing countries to meet and exchange views and experiences. The meeting fosters an open dialogue between regulators and key ICT stakeholders: the private sector, investors and consumers. The forthcoming 2009 edition which is taking place on the 10th to 12th November will address the challenges of convergence and the changing role of the regulator.
For more information, please contact:
Mr. Ebrahim K. Ebrahim
Corporate Communications Department
Thuraya Telecommunications Co.
Post Box 283333 Abu Dhabi, UAE
Tel: 971-4-4488-828
Fax: 971-4-4488-899
Email: e_ebrahim@thuraya.com
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